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Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday In a nutty nutshell

My sister hates me so I don't have to worry about saying that on the blog because she'll never read it.

Moving to Berkeley and ripping my child out of the only world she knew in San Jose has manifested in her a phobia of elevators ("I swear, this is completely out of left field and new to me," I informed the worried passengers of the elevator at Target as my frantic daughter lurched from side to side in the back of the cart, desperately trying to locate the emergency button around the strangers' and my bodies).

Instead of writing on my novel and my screenplay today during valuable and expensive nanny time, I surfed other blogs and submitted writing and articles that would earn me a whopping .14 in revenue should I ever write 900 more articles under my log in name that are ever read by over 10,000 people.

The baseball field across the street from my lovely home office is really picking up the pace, with not just mishmash night games with blaring stadium lights, but full on professionally outfitted girl league games with lots of pumping up cheering and outfield hooting.  This could be a potentially worse distraction than my last office mate's extensive conference calling through rice paper thin walls.  I simply add this to yet another reason to not write and instead look for  glass options for our now glassless beveled coffee table (somehow lost in the move).

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